The Best Laos Factory's 2023 Water Splashing Festival Resumption Event was Successfully Held, with the theme of "Working Together to Create a Better Future"

In order to further enrich the company culture, activate the working atmosphere, deepen the friendship between Chinese and elderly employees, and enhance team cohesion, Best Group (Laos) Co., Ltd. launched the "Unity and Co creation of a Better Future" 2023 Water Splashing Festival resumption activity on May 6th. Yan Dingliang, Vice President of Best Group, Sun Linhua, Deputy General Manager of Production Center and General Manager of Laos Factory, He Liping, Director of General Management Department, Shen Yan, Director of Southeast Asia Office, and Hu Guojian, Director of Laos Factory, attended the event. Liu Chengjian, Vice General Manager of Vientiane Saiseta Operation Company in Laos, was specially invited to attend the event, and all employees of Laos Factory gathered together.








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