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Bede Laos Factory Launching First Clothing Skills Competition

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In order to further guide employees to base themselves on their duties, improve their skills, and promote the craftsman spirit of excellence, on the occasion of the "March 8th" Women's Day, Bede Laos Factory organized the first clothing skills competition.

In order to further guide employees to base themselves on their duties, improve their skills, and promote the craftsman spirit of excellence, on the occasion of the "March 8th" Women's Day, Bede Laos Factory organized the first clothing skills competition.

The assessment process of this skill competition includes sleeve upper, handcuffing, collar upper, cuff lower hem, etc. The contestants must complete their own selection process within the specified time. In the competition, everyone showed their own housekeeping skills, completed a process task with dexterous hands, and showed a solid technical foundation.

Each process of the competition has set up the third prize of 1. 2., and the managers have issued honorary certificates to the winners of the competition.