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Planting Trees and Planting Heart | Bede Helps the Construction of Ecological Forest in Alxa Desert

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In order to improve the ecological environment of Alxa and build a green ecological barrier in Alxa, Bede actively responded to the "ten-year plan" for the construction of China's textile and garment lock-edge ecological forest. In the past two years, he has recognized a total of 20 mu of lock-edge public welfare forest and has been awarded the corporate social responsibility certificate of "planting trees and planting heart.

In order to improve the ecological environment of Alxa and build a green ecological barrier in Alxa, Bede actively responded to the "ten-year plan" for the construction of China's textile and garment lock-edge ecological forest. In the past two years, he has recognized a total of 20 mu of lock-edge public welfare forest and has been awarded the corporate social responsibility certificate of "planting trees and planting heart.



Alxa is located in the northwest of China. The desert in Alxa is the 1/3 of the total area. It is one of the birthplaces of sandstorms. Therefore, building ecological defense lines and locking green barriers is the fundamental way to maintain people's livelihood and the only way for sustainable development.





Over the years, Bader has always followed the principle of green development, promoting green construction and building green factories. Next, Bade Group will actively practice social responsibility while developing innovation and creating social wealth, and continue to contribute to the construction of China's ecological environment!



